Monday, April 20, 2020

Big Me and Little Me

There is two of us
a big me and a little me

Big me tries to keep little me happy
Sometimes, big me succeeds, sometimes big me fails

When big me understands little me, we are happy
When big me does not, we are sad and angry

When little me understands big me, we are peaceful
When little me does not, we are sad and angry

So complex is this parenting
the bridging of the gap between big me and little me


My hands got to keep doing
My mouth got to keep chewing
My mind got to keep thinking
I try, so hard to be in the here and now
To soak in the air, flowers and the conversations
To let go - of this fiddling, chewing, thinking
And when that doesn't happen, which is frequent enough
I learn to soothe myself.
To say it is OK, its just me, that we shall begin again
But something, someone deep inside
Keeps bringing up a complaint, every now and then
That all is not OK - this book, this place, this milk shake.. something, anything.
Sometimes, I manage to say it is OK the way it is
The other times, I float into that world of "not OK"
I am a frequent visitor there
Got my own special VIP pass for the place.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

The Echo

I had a vision in which I saw my Mom as my echo.  

If I said to her, 'I want to run away to a far away place where no one knows me, I knew she had the same to say to me.

If I said to her, I want to end all this, commit suicide, she would have the same to say to me.

If I said, I have done so much for you. Come such a long way. She had the same to say to me, for she has indeed come a long way in accepting my lifestyle choices. 

We are two women facing each other, holding hands but looking away from the other, torn between love and beliefs.

I knew whatever move I made, my reflection would simply emulate me. 

The only way to change my reflection is to change me. 

Friday, October 19, 2018


After all these years, I was full of hope; till once again you showed on the way
Fear I thought, I had conquered you, till you raised a different head
Feeling free, I was merrily hopping down the street, you showed up once again
I thought I left you far behind, you laughed at my ignorant ways
You changed forms, you changes shapes
Your job only to scare me from my way
But now I understand you better
And I walk through you with my head held high
For I know you are no more than a cloud of dust


My heart beats in a rhythm
My lungs breathe in a rhythm
My body symmetrical
Eyes for seeing, nose for smelling
Ears for listening, tongue for tasting
Skin for feeling
Heart for pumping, lungs for breathing
Stomach for digesting, legs for standing
Millions of small cells doing their job without complaining
What a piece of art my body is!
What a fine miracle my body is!


I was born out of desire, the desire of two people
As a foetus, I had a desire, the desire to grow and survive
And then I had a desire, to see the world outside
The "silisila" of desire continued
As an infant I desired to be held, nurtured and loved
As a child, I desired to learn, explore and grow
The "silsila" of desire continued
Till someday, I heard, some of my desires were not OK
And then I learnt, to hide my desires for fear of being punished or ridicule
I also learnt of some other important desires that I "should" inculcate
I worked hard on the desires I should, in the process forgot about my own desires
All was OK in my world
Till one day, the suppressed voices of my own desires
Came to haunt me
We are your desire. We are your desire. They screamed
I was scared. I muffled these voices. I silenced them
I told them, "They were wrong. They were childish. They had no role in my life."
They refused to go. They continued to haunt me.
So I gave in. And I tried a desire.
For a while I felt good.
Till the voices came back once again to mock me
"Who are you fooling? That is not your desire."
"Go back to your childhood and dig deep. Dig those buried dreams."
Do you have the courage to follow that child's dreams?
To live a life of that child's dreams?
If not, we will continue to haunt you
And follow you till your last breath.
You will desire to be free of us
You will desire a peaceful death
But till you don't honor that child's desire
How do you expect
Born of desire, yet rejecting your desires
To wake up is a desire
To look good is a desire
To eat is a desire
To laugh is a desire
To connect with others is a desire
To see the beauty in the world is a desire
To love is a desire
To feel loved is a desire
To accomplish is a desire
To feel happy is a desire
To relax is a desire
To make love is a desire
To have children is a desire
To sleep is a desire
Can I then make desire the torch of my life
And stop questioning it every step of the way!


Death, what is it?
I hear my grandpa's words in my head
I feel my father's art in my blood
I see my grandma's kindness in my hands
I sense my friend's spirit in my chest
I stretch out my hands in the air
And hear, see, feel, sense
All the joys and laments
Of all those before me and and after me
Death then what is it?