Friday, October 19, 2018


After all these years, I was full of hope; till once again you showed on the way
Fear I thought, I had conquered you, till you raised a different head
Feeling free, I was merrily hopping down the street, you showed up once again
I thought I left you far behind, you laughed at my ignorant ways
You changed forms, you changes shapes
Your job only to scare me from my way
But now I understand you better
And I walk through you with my head held high
For I know you are no more than a cloud of dust


My heart beats in a rhythm
My lungs breathe in a rhythm
My body symmetrical
Eyes for seeing, nose for smelling
Ears for listening, tongue for tasting
Skin for feeling
Heart for pumping, lungs for breathing
Stomach for digesting, legs for standing
Millions of small cells doing their job without complaining
What a piece of art my body is!
What a fine miracle my body is!


I was born out of desire, the desire of two people
As a foetus, I had a desire, the desire to grow and survive
And then I had a desire, to see the world outside
The "silisila" of desire continued
As an infant I desired to be held, nurtured and loved
As a child, I desired to learn, explore and grow
The "silsila" of desire continued
Till someday, I heard, some of my desires were not OK
And then I learnt, to hide my desires for fear of being punished or ridicule
I also learnt of some other important desires that I "should" inculcate
I worked hard on the desires I should, in the process forgot about my own desires
All was OK in my world
Till one day, the suppressed voices of my own desires
Came to haunt me
We are your desire. We are your desire. They screamed
I was scared. I muffled these voices. I silenced them
I told them, "They were wrong. They were childish. They had no role in my life."
They refused to go. They continued to haunt me.
So I gave in. And I tried a desire.
For a while I felt good.
Till the voices came back once again to mock me
"Who are you fooling? That is not your desire."
"Go back to your childhood and dig deep. Dig those buried dreams."
Do you have the courage to follow that child's dreams?
To live a life of that child's dreams?
If not, we will continue to haunt you
And follow you till your last breath.
You will desire to be free of us
You will desire a peaceful death
But till you don't honor that child's desire
How do you expect
Born of desire, yet rejecting your desires
To wake up is a desire
To look good is a desire
To eat is a desire
To laugh is a desire
To connect with others is a desire
To see the beauty in the world is a desire
To love is a desire
To feel loved is a desire
To accomplish is a desire
To feel happy is a desire
To relax is a desire
To make love is a desire
To have children is a desire
To sleep is a desire
Can I then make desire the torch of my life
And stop questioning it every step of the way!


Death, what is it?
I hear my grandpa's words in my head
I feel my father's art in my blood
I see my grandma's kindness in my hands
I sense my friend's spirit in my chest
I stretch out my hands in the air
And hear, see, feel, sense
All the joys and laments
Of all those before me and and after me
Death then what is it?

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


I look at my face,
the first signs of wrinkles
the first strands of grey
I worry as to what is to happen
Till I sight the creases on my forehead
And I know, I am happier than ever!

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Emptiness and Loneliness

Jung asked me to talk to my belly and my emptiness. I did. I spoke to my belly. What emerged was me at 3 years of age. I asked her what are you doing in the belly. She expanded and filled up my body and then shrunk back again. I asked her again. She said to me, " Pearl I am lonely and scared."

I said to her, 'But why are you always wanting to ingest something. All day, I am putting something in my mouth."

"Because I am lonely and scared."

"My sweetheart why? Everyone loves you so much."

"No no one loves me. Tathi has died. Papa and Mama are embroiled in their own adult affairs. Even Boba is caught in her struggles. "

"I am so sorry sweetheart."

"Everyone was so busy,  Whenever I went to Mama or Papa, they gave me an ice-cream or something else to eat. So did Nani. They all wanted me distracted so they didn't have to give me attention."

"And you are doing the same to me Pearl. Each time, I am feeling lonely or scared, you buy an ice-cream or give me some chai or smokes. Isn't it Pearl?"

"Oh my God. I am so sorry little one. I am so sorry."

"I also don't want to ingest so much stuff. For me too, it has become a habit. But between the two of us you are the more purer, stronger and wiser one. Guide me. Show me the way. Tell me what to do and how to respond when I feel the urge. Tell me. You are the one who can save me. Little One you are my Guardian Angel."

"Little one help me, save me. Help me listen to and heed to your advice. I have missed you so much sweetheart."

Then I had another conversation. This one was with the emptiness. It was hiding inside my chest. It had the form of big rock. I jumped inside the rock. It was dark except for one small ray of hope, which was coming from the small hole from where I jumped. Inside were caves, caverns and water bodies. I even saw a peacock. And then my emptiness spoke to me, "Welcome Pearl. It has been long since you have visited me."

"What is this place and who are you?"

'I am the storehouse of all the repressed anger, hate and resentments that you ahve dumped into me. Come I will take you on a tour. But let me keep you forewarned that I am quite vast."

I was surprised to see all the caverns, alleys , underground water bodies. I even took a splash inside a crystal clear green lake. There were beautiful gardens. And the the most horrifying and wonderful thing happened. There was this white angel and  a small fairy and a slightly bigger fairy than her. The small fairies held my hand while the adult fairy accompanied us.

And then the adult fairy told me that the little fairies were my lost unborn daughters. Oh my God, my heart burst

And she told me great writers visited this place often . Even J K Rowling had written her books under the roof of emptiness. There was no greater space for inspiration.

The emptiness angel told me I must come and spend time with her and loneliness and there would be many beautiful sights and answers for me.

Something is happening within me. Some major integration. I can feel it.

Why I am irritated with my Mom? Looking Inside the Sub Conscious

Mom has been sick for last two days, so she has been home. There have been tidbits of conversation, mostly about the challenges with her restaurant, and how she is feeling. She has been declining all good advice and offers of help from me. I felt irritated. She is never going to change.

Today I was enjoying my lunch while she stuck to a bowl of curd, she started sharing a piece of Hadees with me. I listened in patience. I am interested in religious lore, for it contains many psychic insights. Well, the moral of the story turned out to be the good old, "The person who respects and serves his mother will occupy the highest position in society." She had read this particular story that morning.

A newspaper story about a 87 year old woman living by herself had reminded her of that Hadees. The woman put out a white paper outside her door every evening and removed it in the morning to let her neighbors know she was alive. Now Mom was condemning the woman's only son who had abandoned her 3 years back.

I have grown on a palette of such moralizing stories and recently have heard numerous stories of people being abandoned by their children in old age, I have felt empathy and compassion for these old people. I have often wondered what I could do for them. At the same time, I have come to believe that it is the values people pass on their children that makes them abandon their parents. If you teach your child the values of love, compassion, family, it is likely that the child will not abandon you. But if you teach your child to prioritize values like competitiveness, selfishness and moving ahead at all costs, then the child may not think twice before abandoning you. It is a value game. Individuation to me is different from abandonment.

As I presented my viewpoint, Mom started getting defensive. She pointed out, "The Hadees does not mention what sort of parents, it includes all parents."

By now, I was extremely irritated. I wanted to say something but she wouldn't allow me to say anything more, saying it is Gunnah to say anything like that.

I went back into my room and shut the door. I wanted to understand the source of my own angry feelings. I took out the teddy bear and imagining it to be Mom screamed and cursed it. I even punched and kicked it. I vented out all the anger I felt, permissible and non-permissible.

"You bitch! You are never going to change. You are always going to be a deadwood tied to me bringing me down. Your poor choices ruined my life, ruined my career. Because of you I am still not married nor have stability. I have to carry you around. I have to bear with all your nuisance concepts, concepts that have only served to harm and hurt me. I forgave you for the past because you didn't know better. But what about today, you have a choice to learn and understand. What do you do? You still cling to these outdated philosophies. "

Finally spent, I lay on the bed lifeless and empty. A weight had been removed. This was however only the beginning of the surgery.

This is how I summarized it:
I feel I have to take responsibility for her health, happiness and well-being. Because she refuses to do it for herself. She is like an emotionally handicapped woman. And you have to take care of a handicapped person.

Where did I learn that she cannot take care of herself? Where did I learn to be irritated and angry with her? Where did I learn that she is a dead bag? Where did I learn to be angry with her because she wont change? 

Is it possible that it is I who refuses to change and am simply transferring my shadow on to her? Do I need to change? How? 

I wanted to make best use of this emotional state. I decided on applying my NLP skills. Taking deep breaths, I calmed myself down and located the emotion in my physical body. It was the heaviness in the middle of my chest. I imagined its shape and the first thing that popped up was a banana, a raw banana. It was a long, solid banana. A child's voice came from inside.

The child was me at 5-6 years of age. I asked the child,'What are you doing in there?" She replied, 'I am hiding. Mom is standing outside and is angry. I am hiding from her."

But aren't you feeling scared in there? Isn't it uncomfortable being inside this hard banana?

"It is uncomfortable. It is dark and scared. But I am afraid of Mom standing out there."

At that moment, an image of a cool, serene lake popped in my head. I asked the child whether she would like to take a dip in that beautiful lake.

"I would love to. But I am scared of Mom."

It was time to use time regression.

When was the last time, I had felt the burden of taking care of Mom? Today! I imagined the scene. I asked her about her health and offered some good suggestions but she ignored me. How heavy did it feel in my chest? 8/10

I went back into several other episodes finally reaching childhood.

Some experiences from childhood:

When Mom and Dad fought or Dad beat up Mom, Nani always asked me to take care of Mom - feed her, give her water and offer her comfort. Who else does your Mom have?

I had learnt then that I had to take care of my Mom. I was responsible for her emotional, mental and physical well-being. Your poor Mother, she has no one but you. She does everything for you. These had been the messages from almost everyone around. Somehow the little child had taken it upon herself - her mother's well being was her responsibility.

I wanted to change the script. I imagined, a mature Aunt in the picture. The Aunt comes right after a fight and tells me, 'Go and play. A little girl like you has no role to play here. I will take care of Mom. Don't you worry."

What a relief I felt! The heaviness in my chest was gone and I breathed deep. I saw myself playing happily with the other children.

I brought the imaginary Aunt to other memories where I had been asked to take care of my Mom, including the most recent one. Suddenly, the burden was no longer there.

A child has no role to play in adult dramas. It is evil to ask a child to support the adults emotionally because the child does not understand what is happening. A child assumes responsibility where it is not hers and it is too much of a burden on the delicate shoulders. All sorts of evil emerge from this act!

Today, I give myself permission to play and be happy. I am not responsible for anyone's well-being including my mother's. She is an adult. When I remove myself from the scene, she expands - she is compelled to find resources within and outside her to support her, giving her self-belief.

I repeated the same exercise with , 'When did I feel my Mom stopped me from doing things?"

I remembered so many experiences - career, marriage, etc etc... In each of these scenes , I created a counter scene where I saw the choices I had. I always had the choice to walk out, to follow my own volition. I was anyways a rebel. But I did not. Because fear and lack of self-belief kept me back. Then how was Mom to be blamed?

Some of the heaviness is gone but I can see there is more work to be done in this area!