Lately, I have been toying with the idea of experimenting with different professions. I am contemplating 365 professions @ 365 days.
Well, you may ask, ‘What good will it serve me?”
Let me take the liberty of borrowing professional jargon to explain my four-pronged strategy ( or rather clover leaf strategy).
Firstly, all the life management gurus preaching about embracing the diversity and vibrancy of life have deeply impressed my vulnerable mind. Life is a journey. And as an individual I need to be focused on innovation and scaling new heights. I got to constantly reinvent myself and re-engineer the future. So what better way!
Secondly, I suffer from a major attention deficit syndrome and I need the world to stand up and pay attention to my pearly words of wisdom. Since there is no mention of anyone having accomplished such a mean feat even in the Guinness Book of World Records, it provides me with an unparalleled opportunity to carve my very own niche. I can create a “differentiated” me.
Thirdly, I am on the path of self discovery. I plan to apply the law of elimination to discover my true yearnings. I got to discover which life drugs work for my particular mental condition.
Fourth, I am simply tired of being just a manager ( my ex-boss explained the concept to me). I wish to be a leader but a leader who is one amongst millions. I am the new age leader and my choices have to be off-beat, rakish and counter-culture.
I started compiling the list of 365 professions and am already running out of ideas. Of course that’s because this is not my job. I am the leader. I am now thinking of hiring research and data executives for this mundane task.