taken me a lifetime to discover my own innocence
taken me a lifetime to reclaim my own brilliance
Fear was my education
Shut my doors, lest someone may steal
Tune off my mind, lest someone may intervene
Close my heart lest someone may break it
A lifetime spent in wanting to belong
In wanting to look like you,
talk like you, walk like you
A lifetime spent in trying to be smart
To appear as the wise old man
So you could dole me some more respect
So you could give me some more attention?
Now finally as I face the mirror
As I remove the layers of wisdom
All I catch is a glimpse of the child's innocence?
hope glimmers, doubt persists
could it be, no it couldn't be
Just as the white light produces a multitude of colors
when passed through the prism;
the light of the human soul produces multifarious effects
when passed through the body
Searching for my own light, i traveled the world
I searched everywhere till i found it within
In forms multiple, in shapes diverse
Radiating my light in ways multiple -
unknown to me, known to me
through my silence, through my action
through my anger, through my compassion
As I found my light, I found it reflected on all sides
In the maid silently sweeping the floor
In the old man looking out of his window
In the bird perched high on the tree
In the child gleefully breaking things
In the politician playing power games
All radiating their light in ways multiple,
unknown to them, known to them
through their silence, through their action
through their anger, through their compassion
Insignificance is not a choice for me
I matter, unknown to me, known to me
Whether on the road or on facebook
My existence triggers thoughts and feelings
There is no way you can see me and ignore me
Inside and outside, I witness the matrix
- of experiences, feelings and beauty
I say a prayer for this body
For this body allows me to experience this matrix