Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Letter from 80 year old me to the 35 year old me

I was asked to write a letter from “me at 80 years” to “me now at 35 years” expressing what the 80 year old Pearl, looking back at her life would want the Pearl right now to do with her life. I wrote it impromptu, so please excuse the causal writing. I never intended to make it public initially, but then I asked myself – what the hell, I want to share my lessons and experiences with others. Here goes the letter:

Dear Pearl at 35

I send you my love. My memory is somewhat faded but I still remember all the wonderful times we had together. I would very much like to tell you to get off your ass and go out and fulfill your dreams - does not matter how, just go out and fulfill them. Do not worry about money and other issues. Do not give in to your fears.  Just book that ticket to South America - your dream destination. You will never regret it, it will become one of the most cherished memories of your life - trust me on that. I promise you. 

Book that ticket. Do not over-think it. Ask for some help from the people you know there - ask Vandana, Deepa, etc... but just go, go, go, go.... The experience will leave you completely transformed. And when you are 80 years of age, and you look back at life, you will be really glad that you did it for me and for your own self. The trip will set the stage for all your other dreams to follow. So go for it. Do not wait any longer. You have already caused yourself so much trauma and pain by waiting for so long. Nothing else matters. The dream is waiting for you to fulfill it.

And yes, keep writing. Your writing is improving day by day. I am a published author today but it is all thanks to you, and your consistent effort - so keep writing and keep the faith .

Lots of love
Pearl at 80

What do you think "80 year old you" would ask you to do with your life now?


  1. Wish I could write to the 15 year old me and warn her of all that life was about to throw at me.

  2. The past is gone and for a good purpose; but you can save the present whatever age you are!!! You do not wish to be a 80 year old you saying this to whatever age you are now, so write the letter!!!
