Saturday, July 26, 2014

Rushing to find peace

My foot was pressed on the accelerator as I drove towards my morning meditation class. "Öh my God, "I was running late for the class.

And then a sudden awakening, "I am rushing and panicking for reaching the meditation class? I am going for the meditation class to experience serenity and calmness yet right now I am acting its opposite."

The idea is to feel peace and calmness at all times, to connect with the present at all times.

I will reach wherever I am going in God's time and not my time.

A valuable lesson learned that has served me well since then ( two years back)

Thinking Positive

Another lesson from my office setting :

I took my team member to my favorite pani puri place after an official meeting. The cab driver parked 50 mts ahead of the pani puri stall. As we walked towards our cab after relishing the pani puri, we realized the cab was nowhere in sight. We walked for more than 100 metres in each direction looking for the cab but there was no trace of it. I could not even call the cab driver as I had left all my belongings including my phone, purse and laptop inside the cab. I began to panic. "What if the cab driver had run off with all our belongings. The laptop itself was worth more than his monthly earnings."

As I shared these misgivings, my colleague calmly replied, "Why do you think like that? Everything will be OK. Always visualize and think of a positive outcome."

She was carrying her phone and called the admin guy at office who then contacted the cab driver. We found him a little ahead getting his bag patched by a local cobbler.

Another lesson learned - about my default settings !!!!

Good Relationships

Sometimes, all it takes is just overhearing a simple dialogue in the course of daily life that can sharpen our compass and help us refocus.

Two days back in my office, a girl approaches her team head, "We are all hungry and the office boy refuses to get us samosas from the market."

Team head laughs, "You know what the problem is! You guys do not invest in cultivating good relationships."

The lesson was simple, delivered with a hearty laugh in one sentence. Profound !!!

Life is about relationships - with myself, with God, with my friends and family, people outside and the office boy