Monday, April 20, 2020

Big Me and Little Me

There is two of us
a big me and a little me

Big me tries to keep little me happy
Sometimes, big me succeeds, sometimes big me fails

When big me understands little me, we are happy
When big me does not, we are sad and angry

When little me understands big me, we are peaceful
When little me does not, we are sad and angry

So complex is this parenting
the bridging of the gap between big me and little me


My hands got to keep doing
My mouth got to keep chewing
My mind got to keep thinking
I try, so hard to be in the here and now
To soak in the air, flowers and the conversations
To let go - of this fiddling, chewing, thinking
And when that doesn't happen, which is frequent enough
I learn to soothe myself.
To say it is OK, its just me, that we shall begin again
But something, someone deep inside
Keeps bringing up a complaint, every now and then
That all is not OK - this book, this place, this milk shake.. something, anything.
Sometimes, I manage to say it is OK the way it is
The other times, I float into that world of "not OK"
I am a frequent visitor there
Got my own special VIP pass for the place.